Weak and easily damaged surface
The one upside to this product is that it pretty accurately matches the photos on this website. Unfortunately, we are quite disappointed by the overall quality and durability. Within a day of receiving the product, we noticed that it will stain very quickly. We typically use coasters for our mugs, but when one mug (containing water) was accidentally put on the table and removed within 5-10 minutes, it had left a dark, unremovable stain. We also have to be careful if our hands are wet, because even the slightest of dampness in contact with the table will leave marks. For the price, this level of delicateness is unjustified, particularly when the quality degrades within just a day or two of receiving the product.
Quality |
Rated 1 out of 5
Design |
Rated 2 out of 5
Value |
Rated 1 out of 5